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Breaking News: Latest Electoral College Ratings for 2024 Presidential Election

Current Electoral College Predictions

The Cook Political Report has released its latest Electoral College ratings for the 2024 presidential election. The ratings, which average all polls taken in the past month, give a snapshot of the current state of the race.

Key Battleground States

According to the Cook Political Report, the following states are considered key battlegrounds in the 2024 election:


Arizona is a swing state that has voted for both Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in recent elections. In 2020, President Biden narrowly won the state by less than 10,000 votes.


Georgia is another swing state that has become increasingly competitive in recent years. In 2020, President Biden won the state by just over 11,000 votes.


Michigan is a Rust Belt state that has traditionally voted for Democrats. However, in 2016, President Trump won the state by a narrow margin.

Polling Data

The following table shows the average of all polls taken in the past month for each candidate in the 2024 presidential polls:



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